Rural Life Bridgetown
Rural Life Bridgetown
This is the official website of the Blackwood Valley Small Landholders Group Inc: (BVSLG), a not-for-profit community organisation. The Small Landholders Group has been in existence for over 20 years. Its full name ‘The Blackwood Valley Small Landholders Group’ indicates its origins, but it has application and membership today through much of the Southwest Region of Western Australia and in Perth. Our aim is to support and promote a community of rural property owners. We organise field days, workshops and dinner events with guest speakers. We have a regular newsletter, Facebook page and this informative website. Along with a wide range of information and references to other sites, the website provides information on upcoming events and news. The Facebook page is available to the wider community. The website is developing a members' lounge which will house copies of old newsletters containing a large number of useful articles.
The BVSLG assists and encourages owners of smaller rural properties (nominally 1-40ha) in their property management pursuits whatever their land use objectives (such as income generation, quiet enjoyment of rural living or environmental rehabilitation). We help property owners enjoy rural life, inform them of land use obligations, of which they may not be aware, and introduce them to a supportive network of fellow owners with like-minded goals in land, water and enterprise management.
Most of our events are run on a cost recovery basis with reduced costs for members. Membership is presently $20 per year per person, or $25 per year for a couple. For more information contact the Secretary (Mob: 0427 086 299).
Our old website (<>) has been retired in favour of this new website ‘Rural Life Bridgetown’, again a hang-over from the group’s origins: The new 'site grew out of the Virtual Innovation Hub project supported by the 'State NRM Office', funded by the Western Australian Government with support from Royalties for Regions. That project was administered by the Blackwood Environment Society Inc. (BES), a not-for-profit conservation group formed in 1988 by environmentally concerned residents in the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes. We encourage people to investigate and consider membership of the BES in addition to the BVSLG.
Since 2014 BES has managed a part time Landcare Officer funded by the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes and located in the Bridgetown Visitors Centre. The Landcare Officer offers a free hands-on advisory service to landholders on topics of weed management, water quality and revegetation. The Landcare Office provides a water testing service for water pH and salinity. (Mob: 0428 723 111)
Blackwood Biosecurity Inc: is also located in the Bridgetown Visitors Centre. This is the leading local group to address issues of declared pests and weeds. (
Contact Information
BVSLG Secretary
PO Box 841
Bridgetown, Western Australia 6255
Mobile 0427 086 299